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Finding and ReplacingLocate this document in the navigation structure


You can search for and replace both text in the text entry area and paragraph formats in the format tag column.

  • To search or replace, choose Start of the navigation path Edit Next navigation step Find or Edit Next navigation step Replace End of the navigation path. A search or replace action affects the text between the cursor position and the start or end of the document, depending upon the direction you choose.

  • To accept all replacements without check, choose Replace All. To check each replacement, choose Confirm replace. In this case, you must choose Replace to carry out a replacement and Search forward or Search backward to continue the operation.

  • To repeat a search, choose Search forward or Search backward ( F19).

Including Blanks at the End of a Search or Replacement Term

A search or replacement term usually ends with the last non-blank character. However, if you need to include blanks at the end of the search or replacement term, enclose the entire term in inverted commas.


Search term = 'house'

The system searches for the term house with one blank at the end.

If a term that is enclosed in inverted commas already contains an inverted comma, enter this inverted comma twice.


Search term = 'SAP''s R/3 System'

Using Replace to Delete a Search Term

As in other word-processors, you can use Replace to delete a search term. Simply replace the term with an empty string. To specify an empty string as the replacement term, enter two successive inverted commas ('').


If you enter the search term 'house' and the replacement term '', then the string house<space character> will be deleted from your text.