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SAPscript Format ConversionLocate this document in the navigation structure


The SAPscript format conversion allows you to assign and rename paragraph formats and character formats in the source and target texts when converting formatted texts.


In releases 2.1 and 2.2, the format conversion was still controlled via the tables TTDCF and TTDCW. If you have already worked with format conversions at that time, you will now have to convert to the new procedure starting from release 3.0. To begin with, start report RSTXDUMS. This report puts all old conversions into the new form, so that you can now process them using the function Format Conversion.


Importing RTF Files

Format conversion is devided into two parts. You can map one paragraph style onto exactly one SAPscript paragraph format, but you can map one character style onto up to four SAPscript character formats.

Exporting RTF Files

Maintaining these conversions is dedvided into paragraph formats and character formats. You can map one paragraph or character format onto exactly one paragraph or character style.

Word Style Sheets (Prototypes)

Word style sheets (prototypes) are designed for the conversion of SAPscript formats to the formats of an existing style sheet.

Format Conversion in SAPscript Texts

You can convert the paragraph and character formats relevant for text formatting in the form or style to those of another form or style.

You can map a paragraph format onto exactly one paragraph format, but you can map a character format onto up to four character formats.


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